
How to get the Kate Middle-Tan

If you want a sunny glow, but are terrified of looking Tangoed, then try the Kate Middle-Tan.
That’s what the Duchess of Cambridge has been called since her subtle colour became the most requested spray tan shade.
‘She takes incredibly good care of her skin, so a light, sheer self-tan on top is all she needs for a polished glow,’ says tanning expert James Harknett.
The Middle-Tan is the anti-WAG look, says tanning expert James Harknett
The Middle-Tan is the anti-WAG look, says tanning expert James Harknett
‘Instead  of over-applying colour, which builds up  in heavy layers, Kate lets her tan fade naturally,’ he adds.
‘The trick is to moisturise generously morning and evening, and use a body brush to exfoliate, letting the colour fade completely before having a fresh spray.
‘The moment you overdo it, the colour looks WAG-ish — exactly the look Kate Middleton wants to avoid.’

